기후변화 리비아 대홍수 지구온난화 근거없다 언론은 트럼프 대통령이 기후 변화의 원인이라고 주장할 근거가 없다 그러나 기후 변화의 재앙적 영향? 금년 후반의 화산 폭발은 4~5건


북극한파 습격 심상치 않은 유럽 이상고온에 폭우까지 지구의 극단적 겨울 -[핫이슈 PLAY] MBC뉴스 2023년 12월 11일 지난해 비교적 온화한 겨울을 보낸 유럽이 이번에는 혹독한 기상이변을 맞이했습니다. 러시아에서 12시간 동안 15cm가 넘는 폭설이 내렸습니다. 영국과 독일 등도 이례적인 폭설로 고통을 받고 있습니다. 아프리카 동부는 최근 몇 년간 극심한 가뭄에 시달리다 10월부터 엘니뇨 현상… youtube.com 북극한파 습격.. 심상치 않은 유럽, 이상고온에 폭우까지.. 지구의 극단적 겨울 -[핫이슈 PLAY] MBC뉴스 2023년 12월 11일 지난해 비교적 온화한 겨울을 보낸 유럽이 이번에는 혹독한 기상이변을 맞이했습니다. 러시아에서 12시간 동안 15cm가 넘는 폭설이 내렸습니다. 영국과 독일 등도 이례적인 폭설로 고통을 받고 있습니다. 아프리카 동부는 지난 몇 년간 극심한 가뭄에 시달려 왔으나 올해 10월부터 엘니뇨 현상인 youtube.com

[이슈] ‘산업화 전보다 2℃↑’…11월 17일 ‘기후변화의 한계점’ 조금 넘어/지진·화산·폭우·허리케인 등 ‘기후재해’/2023년 11월 23일(목)/KBS ‘https://www.youtube.com/live/GePvUhuAT30?si=RskwlTrVsmU8DBvG ‘ [이슈] ‘산업화 전보다 2℃↑’…11월 17일 ‘기후변화의 한계점’ 조금 넘어/지진·화산·폭우·허리케인 등 ‘기후재해’/2023년 11월 23일(목)/KBS ‘https://www.youtube.com/live/GePvUhuAT30?si=RskwlTrVsmU8DBvG ‘


북극에 나타나는 이상 현상…’사상 최대급 겨울 한파’ 한국 덮치다//#뉴스https://youtube.com/watch?v=9dTGKSkIfZ8&si=KUmXjaVa3vL4RFrR 북극에 나타나는 이상 현상…’사상 최대급 겨울 한파’ 한국 덮치다//#뉴스https://youtube.com/watch?v=9dTGKSkIfZ8&si=KUmXjaVa3vL4RFrR


[뉴스석] 12월 ‘폭우급’ 겨울비…강원 산지는 ‘대설경보’, 최대 50cm 폭설 예고/연합뉴스TV(YonhapnewsTV) https://youtube.com/live/lUE6pypLOtk?si=Qd9lOIa9Ms9jNN8B [뉴스석] 12월 ‘폭우급’ 겨울비…강원 산지는 ‘대설경보’, 최대 50cm 폭설 예고/연합뉴스TV(YonhapnewsTV) https://youtube.com/live/lUE6pypLOtk?si=Qd9lOIa9Ms9jNN8B

[뉴스속] 12월에 ‘폭우급’ 겨울비…강원 산지는 ‘대설경보’, 최대 50cm 폭설 예고/연합뉴스TV(Yonhapnews TV) 전국에 겨울비가 내리고 있습니다. 동해기시 제주를 중심으로 많은 비가 내릴 것 같습니다. 강원도 산지에는 50cm에 달하는 폭설도 예보되어 있습니다. 주말부터는 강한 한파도 찾아옵니다. 관련 내용 ‘뉴스속’으로 알아보겠습니다. [반복재생] ▲주 후반 올 겨울은 최강 추위를 느껴…서울 -10···youtube.com [뉴스속] 12월에 ‘폭우급’ 겨울비··강원 산지는 ‘대설경보’, 최대 50cm 폭설예고/연합뉴스TV(Yonhapnews TV) 전국에 겨울비가 내리고 있습니다. 동해기시 제주를 중심으로 많은 비가 내릴 것 같습니다. 강원도 산지에는 50cm에 달하는 폭설도 예보되어 있습니다. 주말부터는 강한 한파도 찾아옵니다. 관련 내용 ‘뉴스속’으로 알아보겠습니다. [반복 재생] ▲ 주 후반, 올 겨울은 최강의 추위를 느낀다… 서울 -10··· youtube.com

주말에는 한파, 폭설, 폭우, 천둥, 주말에는 영하 10도 이하의 찬공기가 흐르지 않는 이유, 제트기류, 고기압, 남서풍, 일본 남부 고기압 , 서태평양은 저기압 , 동태평양 페루 적도 부근 해수면 온도 고온 엘니뇨 현상 남서풍 겨울폭우 영동폭우 전국에 비 이상고온 현상 차가운 제트기류 한반도 상공에 내려와 주말 한파…!!! 12월에 호우주의보 겨울비… 강원 산간 50cm 폭설 뇌우 호우를 동반한 겨울 폭우 이례적인 이상 기상 토사내림 눈 뇌우 소동 피해 우려 대비…!!! 주말 한파! 아직 2022년 1월 14일 통가 화산 폭발 영향 VEI 6급 너무 많은 화산재 성층권 유입 2~3년간 이상 기후 영향 금년 후반기 화산 폭발 4~5개 집중 필리핀 화산 폭발 인도네시아 수마트라 마라피 화산 폭발 캄차카 반도 화산 폭발 이탈리아 에트나 화산 폭발 하와이 화산 폭발 아이슬란드 분화 주말에는 한파, 폭설, 폭우, 천둥, 주말에는 영하 10도 이하의 찬공기가 흐르지 않는 이유, 제트기류, 고기압, 남서풍, 일본 남부 고기압 , 서태평양은 저기압 , 동태평양 페루 적도 부근 해수면 온도 고온 엘니뇨 현상 남서풍 겨울폭우 영동폭우 전국에 비 이상고온 현상 차가운 제트기류 한반도 상공에 내려와 주말 한파…!!! 12월에 호우주의보 겨울비… 강원 산간 50cm 폭설 뇌우 호우를 동반한 겨울 폭우 이례적인 이상 기상 토사내림 눈 뇌우 소동 피해 우려 대비…!!! 주말 한파! 아직 2022년 1월 14일 통가 화산 폭발 영향 VEI 6급 너무 많은 화산재 성층권 유입 2~3년간 이상 기후 영향 금년 후반기 화산 폭발 4~5개 집중 필리핀 화산 폭발 인도네시아 수마트라 마라피 화산 폭발 캄차카 반도 화산 폭발 이탈리아 에트나 화산 폭발 하와이 화산 폭발 아이슬란드 분화

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Cold wave this winter: Northeast China’s cold wave from 30 degrees Celsius to minus 25 degrees Celsius in four days, China’s cold wave from 30 degrees Celsius to minus 25 degrees Celsius, China’s cold wave from 2010 to Northeast Asia.m.blog.naver.com, The media blamed on climate change, “China, Manchuria, Northeast, Shenyang, Heavy Snow Cold Wave, and the Great Wall of Haerong,” this winter’s cold wave, four days after the cold wave in northeastern China, which is more severe than in 2010… m.blog.naver.com

More severe cold weather warnings than 2010 More severe cold weather warnings than 2010





– The following are the economic and social effects of the abnormal weather caused by the Tambora volcano eruption in 1815 and the Krakatau volcano eruption in 1883 on the three Northeast Asian countries, China, Korea and Japan. * China: The explosion of the Tambora volcano lowered the temperature in China by about 0.75 degrees Celsius and reduced precipitation by about 10%.¹. This greatly reduced agricultural production, resulting in famine and disease². The eruption of the Krakatau volcano lowered the temperature in China by about 0.12 degrees Celsius and reduced precipitation by about 3 percent ³. This slightly reduced agricultural production, exacerbating famine and disease ⁴. Such natural disasters weakened Qing’s authority and leadership, and increased public dissatisfaction and resistance. ⁵. This triggered social change, such as the establishment of the New Democratic Party in 1911 and the founding of the Republic of China in 1912. ⁶. * Korea: The eruption of the Tambora volcano caused temperatures in Korea to fall by about 1.5 degrees Celsius and precipitation to fall by about 20 percent. ⁷. This reduced agricultural production by more than half, causing famine and disease to spread ⁸. The eruption of the Krakatau volcano caused temperatures in Korea to drop by about 0.2 degrees Celsius and precipitation to fall by about 5 percent, ⁹. This slightly reduced agricultural production, followed by famine and disease [^10^] . ¹¹ This natural disaster worsened Joseon’s national power and social order and amplified the suffering and despair of the people. This brought about social changes such as the Donghak Peasant Movement in 1894 and the proclamation of the Korean Empire in 1897. ¹². * Japan: ¹³, Japan’s temperature dropped by about 0.5 degrees Celsius and precipitation decreased by about 15 percent due to the explosion of the Tambora volcano. This reduced agricultural production by about 30 percent, resulting in famine and disease. Japan’s temperature dropped by about 0.1 degrees Celsius and precipitation decreased by about 4 percent due to the eruption of the Krakatau volcano. This led to a slight decrease in agricultural production, followed by famine and disease. Such natural disasters have increased Japan’s socioeconomic imbalances and dissatisfaction, resulting in unpaid wages and severe famine among samurai. This caused social change, such as the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and the abolition of the social status system in 1873. – The effects of the 1912 eruption of the Areska Novaropta volcano on World War I are as follows. * The volcano Areska Novalopta caused a massive VEI sixth-class explosion on Novalopta Island in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands from June 6th to the 8th. This is the largest volcanic eruption in the 20th century, about 30 kilometers ³ Volcanic ash from was ejected. Volcanic ash reached the stratosphere and spread all over the world, blocking sunlight and lowering global temperatures. * The eruption of the volcano affected World War I. Lower temperatures caused by volcanic ash reduced agricultural production in the warring countries, causing food shortages and rising prices. Volcanic ash also reacted with water vapor in the atmosphere and turned into sulfuric acid, which fell into rain and snow, causing acid rain. Acid rain damaged crops and forests and corroded buildings and metals. This reduced the resources and infrastructure needed for the war, adding to the difficulties of the war. Volcanic ash also affected large airports. Volcanic ash damaged the plane’s engine and fuselage, blocking the pilot’s view. This reduced the performance and safety of the aircraft and increased the risk of air warfare. – The volcanic eruptions that occurred in the 1930s and affected the weather are as follows. * From January 29th to February 6th, 1932, Isar Volcano in El Salvador, Central America, caused a massive VEI fifth-class explosion. It was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the 20th century, emitting about 1.6 kilometers of ³ volcanic ash. Volcanic ash reached the stratosphere and spread all over the world, blocking sunlight and lowering global temperatures. Source: Dialogue with Bing, 2023. 12. 13. (1) Mount Tambora – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%83%90%EB%B3%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%82%B0.(2) [Hidden world history] Fifteen billion tons of volcanic ash blocked the sun, temporarily summer http://newsteacher.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2021/03/11/2021031100103.html.(3) Volcanic explosion that changed world history··· Humans took the disaster as an opportunity. https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/201704280476558195.(4) Meiji Restoration – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%A9%94%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%80_%EC%9C%A0%EC%8B%A0.(5) Emperor Meiji – Wikipedia, an encyclopedia of all of us. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%A9%94%EC%9D%B4%EC%A7%80_%EC%B2%9C%ED%99%A9.(6) “It was easier to destroy Japan than Korea…” So the Meiji Restoration succeeded https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/23071334.(7) Tambora Volcanic Explosion – 1815 – Yellow Blog. http://yellow.kr/blog/ ?p=5000.(8) The largest volcanic eruption in history: Mount Tambora: Naver Blog. https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=rmmoo&logNo=222648582762.(9) The monthly weather record of the 1815 Joseon Dynasty just after the Tambora Volcanic Explosion https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=cosmonwin1377&logNo=223048013199.(10) Impact of North Korea’s nuclear test on Mount Baekdu / Tambora Volcano: Humanity … https://myvoice.wissue.net/entry/%EB%B6%81%ED%95%9C-%ED%95%B5%EC%8B%A4%ED%97%98%EC%9D%B4-%EB%B0%B1%EB%91%90 – The abnormal weather caused by the Tambora Volcanic Eruption in 1815 and Krakatau Volcanic Eruption in 1883 has affected the three Northeast Asian countries, China, Korea and Japan. * China: The explosion of the Tambora volcano lowered the temperature in China by about 0.75 degrees Celsius and reduced precipitation by about 10%.¹. This greatly reduced agricultural production, resulting in famine and disease². The eruption of the Krakatau volcano lowered the temperature in China by about 0.12 degrees Celsius and reduced precipitation by about 3 percent ³. This slightly reduced agricultural production, exacerbating famine and disease ⁴. Such natural disasters weakened Qing’s authority and leadership, and increased public dissatisfaction and resistance. ⁵. This includes the establishment of the New Democratic Party in 1911 and the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912


Re-emergence of the “nuclear armament theory” on the Korean Peninsula…See “Trump the biggest variable in 2024” https://youtu.be/krej-bLHrfA?si=EqpzpzWZP7qwaFvL Re-emergence of the “nuclear armament theory” on the Korean Peninsula…See “Trump the biggest variable in 2024” https://youtu.be/krej-bLHrfA?si=EqpzpzWZP7qwaFvL



Tornadoes in Tennessee hit…at least 6 people dead, 80,000 households blacked out/YTN1. Tornadoes in Tennessee hit…at least 6 people dead, 80,000 households blacked out (Reporter Lee Jong-soo) 2.Tornado in winter that overturns common sense··· Know why (21.12.14. Broadcasting) 3. Why tornadoes in winter? 4. Eastern U.S. hit by a super-powerful storm. youtube.com Tornado in Tennessee. At least 6 people died. 80,000 households lost power. YTN1. Tornado in Tennessee. 2. Tornado in winter··· Let’s find out why. (21.12.14. Broadcasting) 3. Why tornadoes in winter? … The disaster caused by warm winter (21.12.14. Broadcasting) 4. Eastern U.S. hit by a super-powerful storm. youtube.com

Mediterranean storm that occurred on September 14, 2023 [site] “More than 20,000 deaths” 15% of Delna citizens disappeared… At this time, Libya / the scene of the disaster seen from the sky / Friday, September 15, 2023 (https://youtube.com/live/yjo-lLWn74s?si=NiqxTW1dj2ytDWwY ) Mediterranean storm that occurred on September 14, 2023 [site] “More than 20,000 deaths” 15% of Delna citizens disappeared… At this time, Libya / the scene of the disaster seen from the sky / Friday, September 15, 2023 (https://youtube.com/live/yjo-lLWn74s?si=NiqxTW1dj2ytDWwY )

[Site] “More than 20,000 deaths” 15% of Delna citizens disappeared… At this time, Libya/The scene of the disaster seen from the sky/Friday, September 15, 2023/KBS Experts say climate change is the primary cause of this flood. The average rainfall in the Delna region in September was less than 10 millimeters, but suddenly more than 400 millimeters of rain fell a day because the Mediterranean tropical cyclone called “Medicaine” became more powerful as sea temperatures rose. But this time… youtube.com [On-site] “More than 20,000 deaths” 15% of Delna citizens disappeared… At this time, Libya/the scene of the disaster seen from the sky/Friday, September 15, 2023/KBS Experts say climate change is the primary cause of the flood. The average rainfall in the Delna region in September was less than 10 millimeters, but suddenly more than 400 millimeters of rain fell a day because the Mediterranean tropical cyclone called “Medicaine” became more powerful as sea temperatures rose. But this time… youtube.com


Libya’s Delna, Tropical Storm, Mediterranean Storm, Sea Water Temperature High, Water Steam Inlet Dam Collapse Disaster, Libyan Civil War, Anarchy Relief Supply Difficulty, Libya’s Delna, Tropical Storms and Mediterranean Storms High Water Temperature

It is a one-sided claim from a small elite group that has no basis for Trump climate change, calling for double action, decarbonization, and climate change, as Germany’s auto emissions control system was found to have fabricated the report. You asked me a question about manipulating the report by falsely claiming that it would cause huge damage to the common people, such as the presidential election pledge to withdraw from the General Assembly of the Paris Climate Convention. ¹2.³. German prosecutors raided the offices of Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors on the 28th of last month on charges that Hyundai Motor and Kia sold 210,000 diesel cars with illegal exhaust gas control devices. ¹. The vehicles were found to have discharged more hazardous substances than allowed during actual operation and failed German exhaust tests.¹. Greenpeace said 10 Hyundai-Kia models exceeded the standard level in exhaust gas tests conducted in Germany from 2015 to 2018. ¹ Meanwhile, German premium brands Volkswagen, BMW, Benz and Audi are also facing fines and lawsuits after they were found to have manipulated and colluded. They are suspected of colluding to limit the performance of exhaust gas reduction devices and lower emissions standards. Such actions have come under criticism for sacrificing the environment for profit, despite the automakers’ technology to help fight decarbonization and climate change.²Former U.S. President Trump has pledged to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, claiming climate change is a “Chinese maneuver.”³. He argued that climate change policies would cause enormous damage to the U.S. economy and industry.³. However, this is a one-sided claim by a small group of Eritos with no scientific basis, and in fact climate change has caused a lot of damage to ordinary people in the United States and around the world.³. U.S. President John Biden has re-joined the Paris Climate Agreement and is pursuing policies aimed at carbon neutrality, ³. Source: Bing Dialogue, December 12, 2023, Greenpeace “10 models of Hyundai-Kia Motors, 10 models of German exhaust gas failed…https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/environment/1049544.html.(2) ” – Hankook Ilbo. https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A2022070416510004494.(3) Hyundai Motor also fabricated a report on diesel gate-clean diesel fraud? – MBC NEWS. https://imnews.imbc.com/replay/2022/nwdesk/article/6383410_35744.html.2022 January 14, 2023. You asked me a question about manipulating the report by falsely claiming that it would cause huge damage to the common people, such as the presidential election pledge to withdraw from the General Assembly of the Paris Climate Convention. ¹2.³. German prosecutors raided the offices of Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors on the 28th of last month on charges that Hyundai Motor and Kia sold 210,000 diesel cars with illegal exhaust gas control devices. ¹. The vehicles were found to have discharged more hazardous substances than allowed during actual operation and failed German exhaust tests.¹. Greenpeace said 10 Hyundai-Kia models exceeded the standard level in exhaust gas tests conducted in Germany from 2015 to 2018. ¹ Meanwhile, German premium brands Volkswagen, BMW, Benz and Audi are also facing fines and lawsuits after they were found to have manipulated and colluded. They are suspected of colluding to limit the performance of exhaust gas reduction devices and lower emissions standards. Such actions have come under criticism for sacrificing the environment for profit, despite the automakers’ technology to help fight decarbonization and climate change.²Former U.S. President Trump has pledged to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, claiming climate change is a “Chinese maneuver.”³. He argued that climate change policies would cause enormous damage to the U.S. economy and industry.³. However, this is a one-sided claim by a small group of Eritos with no scientific basis, and in fact climate change has caused a lot of damage to ordinary people in the United States and around the world.³. U.S. President John Biden has re-joined the Paris Climate Agreement and is pursuing policies aimed at carbon neutrality, ³. SOURCE: Dialogue with Bing, December 12, 2023, Greenpeace “10 models of Hyundai-Kia Motors, 10 models of https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/environment/1049544.html.(2) “10 models of Hyundai-Kia Motors, 10 models of German exhaust gas failed” – Hankook Ilbo. https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A2022070416510004494.(3) Hyundai’s Diesel Gate – Clean Diesel is a huge scam? – MBC NEWS. https://imnews.imbc.com/replay/2022/nwdesk/article/6383410_35744.html.2022 January 14, 2023 Tonga Volcanic Explosion South Ozone Layer Destruction

January 14, 2022 Tonga Volcanic Explosion South Ozone Layer Destruction January 14, 2022 Tonga Volcanic Explosion South Ozone Layer Destruction

January 14, 2022 Tonga Volcanic Explosion South Ozone Layer Destruction January 14, 2022 Tonga Volcanic Explosion South Ozone Layer Destruction


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